Western Galloway Beekeepers' Association


These are just a few of the benefits of becoming a WGBA member – there are many more, not least the fellowship of like minded local beekeepers.

Not all of our members have or want their own bees, and you can get as (in)actively involved as you like.


The Association holds regular training courses and workshops for beekeepers at all levels of experience. Some members choose to take the SBA national exams, others just want to learn for fun and understand the bees.


Help and advice is always available for and from any member. New members can be offered a named mentor who will be an experience beekeeper and one who is keen to help a beginner beekeeper.

Association Apiary

Hopefully coming soon - watch this space

Apiary Visits

During the Summer, members have monthly visits to Apiaries of experienced beekeepers.

Winter Meetings

Over the winter, the association hosts presentations by guest speakers. There are usually various courses running, and some members arrange ad hoc study groups for exam revision, or specialist interests.


We have a honey extractor available for members to borrow. Members sometimes also arrange to borrow or swap kit between themselves, subject to best hygiene practice.


we have a decent selection of beekeeping books and magazines which are available for members to borrow

Honey Show

The annual Honey show is held in the Autumn. There are classes not just for Honey, but just about any product of the hive along with a photography class and many others


Members can opt to receive regu;ar prattlings from the Chair.

How to join

Easiest way is to contact the membership secretary using the link below, they will get back to you to arrange membership. You could also speak with us at a local event where we have a presence, such as the annual Wigtown show, or you could just turn up at Glen of Luce hall, Auchenmalg for one of our winter meets.

Now that you are hopefully considering joining us

It's only fair to mention a few things (or what I wish I was told before I started)

You will need somewhere to keep your bees, not all gardens are suitable, and you may need to site an 'out apiary' somewhere you can get permission. Beekeeping at an out apiary takes a bit more organisation and more time.
You will also need space to store kit that is not being used, Extracting honey is the stickiest process known to man.


Well, you can relax a bit over the winter.
From spring to summer you will need to check on you bees weekly to check for signs of swarming. At varying times throught the year you need to check and ensure that they have sufficient space and stores, and to check that they are healthy and to treat as necessary. You will need to extract honey and to feed the bees ready for the winter


Keeping Bees is not a particularly cheap hobby, but it can be made to (perhaps) pay for itself once you are established and are able to sell honey etc. Realistically, unless you are able to acquire bees and equipment for free, you are looking at spending a minimum of several Hundred pounds (£500+) to get set up. Ideally you should have at least two colonies.
Currently (2023/24), annual membership subscription to WBKA is £15, this goes towards paying for Hall hire and guest speaker's expenses, etc.


You will get stung, but if you have nice bees and are gentle handling them, stings should be infrequent. Mostly it's just a bit of pain and a bit of swelling, sometimes it's quite a lot of pain and swelling. This type of reaction can be treated with anti histamines and pain relief. Sometimes stings can be more serious and even life threatening. If you know you will have a serious allergic or an analyphalytic reaction to a sting, then think very carefully before you get involved in beekeeping.
WGBA does not hold epipens.


You do not have to be a member of a beekeeping association to keep bees, but bear in mind this law.
Your bees will decide to swarm just before you want to go a wedding or a funeral.
Your hives will be knocked over by the wind or a deer whilst you are at the other end of the country.
You will lose colonies over the winter.
You will accidently squish your queen.
etc, etc.....

Sods Law

Beekeeping when it goes well, is relaxing, rewarding, fascinating and a real pleasure to be working with the bees. You can end up with a surplus of delicious honey, and yours is always the best you have ever tasted. There is also the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping nature in your area, in introducing tens of thousands of willing pollinators.
